Committees Communications Committee Minna Lamprecht Media Coordinator Directors’ Committee Sofia Ventura Sustainability Co-Director Max Ramos-Judge Sustainability Co-Director Mandy Chen ALANA and Multicultural Student Experiences Griffin Gentner Athletics Nathaniel Krigsman Campus Safety Alex Genel Disability Student Experiences Summer Davies First-Gen and Low Income Student Experiences Carly Meyers Health and Wellness Oscar Brown LGBTQIA+ Student Experiences Sabrina Srabani OISS and International Student Experiences Ashley Lachs Resident Engagement Lexi Moore SAPAS Jenna Galla Transportation Co-Director Elizabeth Hackett Transportation Co-Director Available Positions: Greek Life Internal Affairs Committee Vee Atkinson Election Commissioner Kaitlyn May SGA Historian Not Pictured: Andrew Lehman (Election Commissioner) Arbitration Board Sophie Schwarz Ombudsperson Jerry Pfeifer Max Beck Zach Gordon Not Pictured: Frances Munger Cece Purkiss Media Coordinator